Erica & Jake's Engagement Session | An Unexpected Adventure With the Blue Sky Bandits
We met with Erica and Jake at The Sip in Crown Point, our fave little meeting spot, for our initial consultation. We had great conversation and lots of laughs and felt immediate chemistry with them. We were already hired to shoot a wedding they would both be standing up in so we laughed that they could really see us in action soon.
It wasn’t until the end of our conversation that Jake informed us he got his pilot’s license last May. We immediately looked at each other as the light bulbs went off over our heads. We crossed our fingers that they would be open to an engagement session with airplanes and to our delight they were all in.
Erica had never flown in a small airplane with Jake as the pilot but she had recently given Jake a “coupon” to take her on one airplane ride. It was time to cash it in but would she actually be brave enough to do it?
We were so nervous for Erica. Cue all of the airplane/love quotes: “on the wings of love”, “come fly with me, let’s fly away” or “highway to the danger zone” - ha ha, you get the gist.
We met at the Porter Regional Airport and didn’t realize that the guy sitting in the Cesna 152 across from us on the runway was Jake! He flew in for the shoot! With the help of fellow pilot and airplane enthusiast, Steve Buchelt, they pushed the planes around for us like model toys. The pretty yellow plane is called a Chipmunk and is aptly named, “Alvin”.
Give us a short description of how, when and where you first met.:
Funny story, we've actually known each other since grade school. Because both our grade schools were small, our school band was combined. Before I knew Jake as Jake, I knew him as the annoying saxophone player. Having mutual friends, we had crossed paths many times at birthday parties--even standing up together at a friend's quinceañera (even though neither of us remembered this until years later). It wasn't until the summer after freshman year of college that we were both asked to attend a high school prom from some mutual friends. We bonded over our love for IU (hoo-hoo-hoo-Hoosiers!) and the rest is history!
Bride: 3 words to describe your first impression of him:
Adventurous, Intriguing, Handsome
Groom: 3 words to describe your first impression of her:
Wow, she's cute-hot

Where was your first date?:
Jake's house where we (uncomfortably) watched an R-rated movie while his parents were home.
Where did you have your first kiss?:
Outside Jake's pickup truck in the parking lot of Erica's apartment.
How did he/she propose?:
During a trip to Colorado, Jake asked me to go to a fancy dinner with him. Although a fancy dinner is completely out of my element, I agreed. As we drove to the top of a mountain where this restaurant apparently was, I noticed signs with cute sayings along side the road. Thinking they were set up by the town, I immediately became interested, intently reading each one. Rounding the corner of the mountain, I realized that the last sign had been knocked over (or so I thought). Wanting to know what it said, I asked Jake to pull over. Jake got out of the car and lifted up the last sign that read "Erica will you marry me?" It was perfect. He even had a photographer hiding out taking pictures of the whole thing!
P.S. There was actually no fancy restaurant at the top of the mountain, and instead he took me to my favorite Denver restaurant, Denver Biscuit Company.
If your relationship were a movie, what would the title be?:
Unexpected Adventure -- A Netflix Original
What two celebrities would play you?:
Rami Malek and Lea Michele
What would your band/duo name be?:
Blue Sky Bandits. Cool band name, but could also double as a plane heist movie title. We're super into heist movies at the moment...
When do you feel most loved by your fiance?:
When she lays her head on my chest and tells me it's the most comfortable spot in the world.
When do you feel most loved by your fiance?:
When he sacrifices his time to come over and be with me after he's had a long day, even if that means sitting next to me while I fall asleep or work on homework.
What do you call your boo?:
This is a little embarrassing, but here you go! Bean, Babe, Poopy, Stinky, Original Stinky, Pukey, Babycakes, Beautiful Blue Sky ;-)
Ready for Takeoff?
We could tell that Erica was, understandably, a little nervous knowing at the end of our session she would be taking her first flight with Jake, but we think all of the kissing and laughing helped ease her nerves.
They have such great energy together and obviously a lot of trust. When it was time to fly, we could see that Jake was really taking care of Erica to make sure she had a great first flight. When they lifted off the ground I think our hearts lifted a little with them. Off they flew, literally, into the sunset.
So it finally happened. Erica’s first flight with Jake! We say couples who fly together, stay together. Not only did we get to shoot at a cool location, we got to document something so romantic and significant. By the way Erica told us it wasn’t too bad and she actually enjoyed it.
Erica’s casual but beautiful braid was done by the one and only Maddie Raspe of Mad About Hair and her picture perfect natural makeup was done by Ami Sanchez of Full On Glam.
A special thanks to Steve Buchelt for helping us with the planes, letting us use the trailer and cool blue jumpsuits and helmets!
Happy Valentine’s Day! We can’t wait to capture your next adventure! See you at your wedding!
Jamie & Carmen | Tales of a Dream